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Modern slavery in Australia

This website brings together authoritative, factual information on modern slavery in Australia, including how to get help and how to support someone else. It provides information for people interested in understanding Australia's modern slavery laws and policies. It also contains useful guidance, training and resources.

About modern slavery

Need urgent help?

If you or someone you know is not safe, or it is an emergency, phone Triple Zero (000) and ask to speak to the police. You can ask for an interpreter if you need one.

Get help

Learn about modern slavery

Modern slavery is when someone is forced to work, marry or do other things through coercion (like manipulation, control or violence), threats or lies.

It takes away someone’s freedom to make choices for themselves.

Modern slavery has many forms, including human trafficking, slavery and slavery-like practices such as forced labour and forced marriage.


Australia’s response

Australia is actively working to prevent and respond to all forms of modern slavery, wherever they occur. This includes protecting, supporting and empowering people in or at risk of modern slavery.

Learn more about Australia's response

5 Pillars

Guidance, training and resources on modern slavery

Quick links

Triple Zero (000)

Help in an emergency

Report and get help for modern slavery

A new and independent Commissioner to help prevent and respond to modern slavery

Support with workplace rights

Protection for visa holders reporting exploitation

Additional Referral Pathway to the Support for Trafficked People Program

Delivers the Support for Trafficked People Program

Support with legal and migration advice

Support for forced marriage

Support if you’re in or at risk of modern slavery at work

Statements under the Modern Slavery Act and resources for business

Free and confidential interpreting