Alternative text for the image above
Modern slavery includes the most serious forms of worker exploitation.
Modern slavery
- Coercion (like manipulation, control or violence), threats or lies to force a person to work
- A person has no choice when and where they work
- Working extremely long hours with no time off
- Not paid or paid very little
- Cannot leave the workplace
- Passport or other identity documents taken away
Note: A person may be in modern slavery even if these warning signs are not present.
Dangerous or poor work conditions
- Workplace is unsafe
- A worker is not paid fairly or does not receive all their benefits (such as leave or superannuation)
- Working extremely long hours
- A person feels pressure not to stop or refuse excessive or unsafe work
Decent work
- A person is paid fairly (at least the minimum wage) and receives all their benefits
- Worker rights are respected
- Safe workplace
- A person feels free to change jobs
[End of alternative text]
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If you or someone you know is not safe, or it is an emergency, phone Triple Zero (000) and ask to speak to the police. You can ask for an interpreter if you need one.