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Australia’s Ambassador to Counter Modern Slavery, People Smuggling and Human Trafficking

Driving international cooperation and representing Australia overseas.

About the role

Australia’s Ambassador to Counter Modern Slavery, People Smuggling and Human Trafficking plays a lead role in driving international cooperation and working with partners in our region to strengthen responses to modern slavery. This includes:

  • regularly meeting with people with lived experience, civil society, business and academics who bring a range of deep expertise and experience to these issues.
  • representing Australia at select international and regional meetings
  • performing the role of Australian Senior Official Co-Chair of the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crime – the key regional consultative forum for addressing human trafficking in the Asia-Pacific.

Lynn Bell was appointed to the role of Ambassador to Counter Modern Slavery, People Smuggling and Human Trafficking in June 2023.

Visit the DFAT website for more information on Australia’s international efforts to address modern slavery, people smuggling and human trafficking