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About modern slavery

Learn more about the different types of modern slavery, its warning signs, and what can increase risk.

Information about modern slavery

Modern slavery is when a person forces someone to work, marry or do other things through coercion (like manipulation, control or violence), threats or lies.

Modern slavery crimes in Australia include human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced labour, forced marriage, debt bondage, deceptive recruitment, and the worst forms of child labour.

There are warning signs, or indicators, that someone might be in or at risk of modern slavery and needs help and support.

Modern slavery can happen to anyone, anywhere, and is often hidden. Learn more about modern slavery in Australia, including how many people it affects and who could be at risk.

Research and data help us understand and respond to modern slavery in Australia.

Need urgent help?

If you or someone you know is not safe, or it is an emergency, phone Triple Zero (000) and ask to speak to the police. You can ask for an interpreter if you need one.

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