Need urgent help? If you or someone you know is not safe, or it is an emergency, phone Triple Zero (000) and ask to speak to the police. You can ask for an interpreter if you need one.
You or someone you know might be experiencing modern slavery. Find out how to get help for yourself or support someone as a member of the community.
Resources for community
These resources can help you learn about modern slavery, recognise warning signs and know what to do.
This flyer provides information on the Additional Referral Pathway, delivered by The Salvation Army in partnership with other community organisations.
This community poster raises awareness of people’s rights around marriage, and the support available through My Blue Sky.
This youth poster raises awareness of how young people might experience pressure to marry, and the support available through My Blue Sky.
This storyboard explains the Government’s new laws to protect migrant workers from exploitation.
The Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery National Minimum Dataset is a national data collection on suspected victim‑survivors and perpetrators of modern slavery in Australia. This report describes the findings of the pilot data collection, conducted from 1 July to 31 December 2022.
This guide supports frontline workers and community members in Australia to identify and respond to individuals affected by forced marriage.
This guide supports professionals working with young people to recognise and respond to forced marriage, including specific guidance on opening conversations.
This flyer from the Australian Red Cross’ Work Right Hub provides tips for protecting yourself from exploitation when looking for a job, and considering and starting a new job.
This is the final report on The Salvation Army’s delivery of the Experience Engagement Program (LEEP) in 2023.
This fact sheet provides information about the role of the Australian National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, and the complaints process.